Nerdist Harpist

Being an avid fan of several nerdism inspiring TV series, movies, audio projects, etc – I decided to connect those fandoms with my love for music…
I founded a Chicago-area ensemble dedicated to playing music from and related to BBC’s long running TV series Doctor Who.
Keyboardist & composer Andrew Edwards named it Well-Tempered Schism (…you get bonus nerd points if you get this name…) – we had our debut at the Chicago TARDIS convention in 2012.
I Am The Doctor
City of Death

I guest-“starred” with the musical parody ensemble The Adventure Effect at the GallifreyOne convention in 2014.
As soloist and with ensembles, I enjoy playing music from various other fandoms, mostly in the sci-fi/fantasy realm (Firefly, Game of Thrones, Hobbit & Lord of the Rings, Sherlock, …)
And I’m always happy to fulfill special requests. (I even dress up in adequate costumes, if you ask nicely… 😉 In the summer of 2014 for example I performed at a wedding themed in the video game Final Fantasy – for which I played solely music from that game series.
Contact me for more information about any nerdist music projects. I will also blog about upcoming Con appearances and other new projects.

I am an avid supporter of the indie audio series and soon-to-be movie “The Minister of Chance“.
It is loosely connected to the Whoniverse, thematically, story-historically, and through actors, namely Paul McGann and Sylvester McCoy – the eighth and seventh Doctor respectively.
The project is completely crowd-funded.
October 2014 has a major kickstarter campaign to fund the upcoming movie. For more information and downloads, or to watch the movie trailer, visit
The audio series is FREE to download. My harp music appears briefly in Episode 5.
(Ooh, and one character is named after me – see, if you can spot him! … 😉 )