Klezmer Music
Ensembles, Projects, Resources
One of muziker.org’s specialties is klezmer music
Host of:
Chicago Klezmer Ensemble – led by Kurt Bjorling
Klezmer Harpist Annette Bjorling
Klezmer Music related projects & ensembles
Kurt’s Historical Klezmer Resource Archives
Tsimbls – Designed & Hand-Crafted by Kurt
Because there are so many different groups, projects and subjects, this here is just the web-portal to each of those.
Feel free to browse. If you have any questions or want to book any of our musicians and ensembles, please contact us. Thank you.
Kurt Bjorling leads one – not just – of the Chicago area’s foremost klezmer ensembles with international acclaim. Visit the Chicago Klezmer Ensemble page here.
Annette Bjorling was early promoted as “World’s First & Only Klezmer Harpist. By now “only” might not be an accurate statement any more. But she was the first who connected her instrument deeply with this idiom of music. Read about Annette’s Klezmer Harp here.
You will be able to explore more about upcoming new groups and/or one-time projects involving klezmer on our Blog.
If you would like to explore ’tsimbls’ – hammered dulcimers in the style which klezmorim of the old world used – or even own your own instrument: find out more about Kurt’s Tsimbls here.
And, last but not least: Kurt has for many years been collecting, archiving and sharing rare historical recordings and other resources of klezmer music.
Also, for several years now, Kurt has been occupied with researching, correcting and editing the (in)famous “Jewish Instrumental Folk Music: The Collection and Writings of Moshe Beregovski”. In December 2014 Kurt published his first “preview” version of this new edition, which you can purchase in our store. And he will continue to make changes as needed. Purchasers may be part of a discussion-and-information-group via email and receive updates about corrections etc.
Feel free to contact us for more information.